Friday, June 17, 2005

People Suck.

In lieu of talking about games today, let me entertain you with a little true story about something that happened to me yesterday, which left me totally baffled about the state of mankind and especially the state of humor in this country.

You see, it was around half past twelve at night, and I had had a busy night of gaming and watching movies and I was making my way back to the Train Station by foot, you know, to loose some pounds. Yes.
So there I was, walking along, minding nothing but my own business, when this car pulls up beside me, and the driver lowers the window and says: "Excuse me Sir!?"

I look sideways and I see a serious face in a white shirt looking at me, and the guy riding shotgun leaning over to get a good look too, and I said, in my most eloquent of voices "Yes?"

"Yeah, we're from the local police, and we were wondering, what are you doing on the streets at this time of night?"
"Well, I'm just walking to the Train Station actually."
"Are you under influence of alcohol?"
"When am I not!? I mean.....No." (I didn't actually say that first bit)
"Do you mind if we check if you're speaking the truth?"

And at that point alarm bells started going off, cos this was some weird fucking shit (as opposed to shit that fucks in conventional ways), so I started closely analyzing the facts, and I couldn't find anything indicating the fact that these were in fact real policemen. But the inside of the car was dark, I could see the guy was wearing a white shirt, and there might have been some kind of badge or patch on his arm, I couldn't really see. Besides you get civil patrols as well sometimes, so maybe they were just incognito.
Part of me wanted to ask to see their badge, but for some reason I didn't.

"ummm......okay....." I said.
"good, would you go and stand near that tree over there please?"
And then I was like, WTF? Tree? Why the Hell do I have to stand near a tree? Is that safer or anything? Are you afraid I will miss out on some important oxygen?
So I look sideways to see the nice tree he was talking about, and it WAS a nice tree, and I hear the screeching of tires and I see the car speeding away like crazy, presumably with some hilarious laughter inside, turn a corner, and never reappear.

And at that exact moment, Huge Neon Letters appeared over my head, saying W.T.F!?
Seriously, you could actually see a speech bubble over my head with a big '?' mark in it.

I mean, come on! Does this pass for humor these days? Is this what is considered a fun prank? If you're going to fool someone, do it right, and make it funny, you losers. In this case, I was just like "Ooooooooookaaaaaaaayyyyy" and I had half a mind to write down their license plate number and report them to the police for impersonating an officer.
What's even weirder, they didn't seem drunk or anything, and that scares me.
To think that people would be sober and do something so totally childish and unfunny.

If they HAD been drunk, I would've been like 'hah hah, very funny' and be done with it, but NOW is was like 'what the hell kind of education did you get, if any?'
And I was actually annoyed, not because they tried to fool me, but because they thought that this was a nice way of messing with people. COME ON.
Go get yourself a sense of humor and do it right already.
I think one of them used to write for Jay Leno.

Maybe they wanted to see me freak out or something, but throughout the whole short conversation I was like 'Sure, whatever' maybe that's why they left so soon.
I bet they watch Will and Grace and actually think it's funny.

But I showed them! I just wrote an irate piece on my powerful and influential Weblog!
The ball will start rolling from here on, and they will soon find themselves Complete and Utter Losers, before they know it, by the power of VooDoo!

Now I know why Madagascar did so well at the box office.


At 6/18/2005 1:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow dude!
That's some weird shit! (030)?
Dutch people are nuts! Or at least those people who listen to music from guys like Lange Frans, Gordon, Jantje Smits, and lets not forget, the biggest loser from this world and all alternate dimensions, Frans Bauer!!!
I had to listen to that friggin' retard, with his annoying, yet catchy, thus making them even more annoying, ergo, SUPER annoying songs at my work. Apparently he was the big surprise of the evening, whoop'-de-friggin'-doo!
But serious dude, I was afraid your story was headed in a rather dark and eerie direction. What if those dudes had their evil and sexual ways with you? Creepy shit...
Next time you drop by, take the bus OK?


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