#14: BioHazard Code Veronica
God, is anyone getting tired of this yet? Yeah?Well, I had to actually PLAY through all of this, so shut up.
So, this is the 4th game in the series, although in terms of storyline (yeah right) it's the fifth. This time you play as Clair Redfield (again!) and her brother Chris Redfield (again!) because they're both looking for each other, regardless of the fact they're both on the cover-art together.
This was also the first BioHazard to be created in full 3D, instead of the prerendered backgrounds. This inevatibly means the game is not quite as pretty, even though it's running on DreamCast now, but the 3D models are better.
God what can I say about this one? Fortunately, there's no big ugly Fuck chasing after you throughout the whole game, but you do have to deal with the Ashford Twins, being Alfred and Alexia, who share a sibling love for each other that borders on incest, and I have to admit, out of all the subplots in the series, I definitely enjoyed this one most.
Alfred Ashford is deliciously deranged, his voice acting is completely over the top, and I love it, there are some classic dialogues in here. Also, there's a lot of "LET'S GO!" and "LET'S GET OUTTA HERE! HURRY" which kinda gets on your nerves after a while.
But what really bothered me were the puzzles. There has never been a lot of variety in the BioHazard puzzles, but this one seems to be the worst. It doesn't help that you're dealing with a game that's at least twice as large as any of the prequels, cos it means you get twice as many of the same puzzles, which are in itself already superfluous.
I tell you, at some point, I'd seen so many hollows and indentations I had to put emblems and shit in that I couldn't even sleep straight anymore, and I started making up more appropriate names, like, if you know Japanese: BioHamekomu Ana ga Aru, KubomioHazard, or: Resi-evil DENT.
And you know what I said about BioHazard 3 (it's right below here, you fool!)? You know? That, even though we've seen it all before, it's still fun, cos it's decent Zombie Blasting? Well, forget it. I don't know exactly why, but shooting Zombies just wasn't any fun in this game. With a new Graphical engine apparently came a new Combat System as well, although it works exactly the same, it just feels different. I also had the feeling that most Zombies took way too long before they died. They just keep getting up and up and UP AND AWAY!
Sorry about that.
So if you have a BioHazard with too many tired old puzzles, no fun shooting (Why do we get that sucky bowgun for Clair again!?) and that obnoxious little shit called Steve, what are you left with?
An extremely standard Survival Horror that is meat nor fish (Dutchlish? Look it up!) and might just as well be skipped, cos neither Claire or Chris is as cool (or tasty!) as Leon anyway.
A very marginal 7.0 for this one.
Theme of Nosferatu
Theme of Alexia Type 1

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