Wow, have you ever noticed how things can age in only a handful of years?I mean, this is me on a picture taken roughly a year ago:

And this was me, like, 8 years ago or something. That's only 7 years before! :

Is this going anywhere?
Yes, inexplicably.
You see, I can remember when I first popped in Final Fantasy VII on PSX and I was totally AMAZED, WOWED, OVERWHELMED and FLABBERGHASTED at the gorgeous grahpics.
I was also completely DRUNK probably, because when I look at it now, it's like, "Gee, maw, lookit dem purty pickchors!".
It hurts the eyes I tellz ya! These graphics used to be GREAT. What HAPPENED!?
Time happened, that's what. Bloody processing power and billions of polygons happened, the Nazis. I keel your mother, bitches!
So any old how, Final Fantasy VII is next in this wonderful bit of occupational therapy, which means I have a long way ahead of me still.
I can tell you one thing though, the midi in this game was already extremely crappy in the year this game was released, so you can imagine what it sounds like now...
Also, the localization is HORRIBLE. The game has a truely great and epic story, very dark and brooding, but a lot of people have missed it, due to the simple fact that some of the most important dialogue is completely incomprehensible in English.
If I'm not mistaken (and I rarely am) it was translated by 2 Japanese guys, and everyone knows how good Japanese are at English. Shine GET!
For instance, and I'm not making this up, early on in the game, when you reach Sector 5 of the Midgar Slums, there's this guy sitting in a pipe who has some serious health defunctions. When you try to enter the pipe, Aeris will stop you and say, and I quote:"This guy are sick"
He are not the only sick one here, girly! I mean, geez, this is basic grammar people!
It's weird, cos the game is filled with (more intentionally) funny dialogue, and loads of gramatically correct slang, and yet a simple sentence like that poses major problems apparently.
"Hey Cloud, how about information Shinra?"
Thank god the game itself is great.

Huh? Oh, yes, sorry! Ehem: WARNING! SPOILERS!
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