Twilight What?
Okay, so the subtitle may suck, but the New Zelda game is shaping up very nicely indeed. Trailers don't do it justice, that's why some people have done us the courtesy of providing a bunch of video's covering the first segment of the game, right up to the very first boss battle.Spoilers galore of course, but very VERY pretty ones.
Plus Audio Commentary!
I don't have anything useful to note, and who cares when E3 is going on?
I just got Stragos and Realm in FF6 so the floating continent is drawing ever closer.
Which means I'm approaching the turning point of the game and am almost halfway through.
Probably no update for tomorrow, cos tomorrow is Star Wars Day! I'm typing this on my very small laptop, cos I'm queueueueueing in front of the cinema, and I'm in between some Huge Fat Bastard dressed like Han Solo (Yeah, man, YOU DA BABE MAGNET!) and a woman looking like a Wookie. God I hope that's cosplay.

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