Final Fantasy VI
Oh yes. Now we're really getting somewhere!No more amateur dabblings in the great Arts. This is the STUFF.
Final Fantasy 6, also known as Final Fantasy 3 (don't get me started) was the last FF to be released on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and it was critically acclaimed BY EVERYONE for being totally KICK-ASS.
Unless your name is Laura and you work for Power Unlimited and are a stupid Whore.
So I'm only a couple of hours into the game yet, I've just reached the Returners Hideout and I am about to venture on a wild raft ride whilst protecting Banon, the Big Cahooney of said rebel movement. He dies means YOU die. Nice.
So this means I'm only an inch away of my first encounter with Ultros! Yay!
Squid rule! I have to say though, I used to enjoy his presence in this game back in the day, but nowadays, having read some manga and seen some anime, I'm kinda freaked out by the fact that he gets along well with girls...
Since I'm pretty sure I won't have a lot of bad stuff to say about this game, I'm going to be putting a grain of salt on every snail I see. Is that even a common expression in English? Whatever. I know what I mean.
Which brings me to this: Why the Hell is there an Inn in the Returners Hide-out!?
I mean, here you have a Secret group of Secretly recruited people, secretly trying to overthrow the Empire from their Secret Hideout, and they have an Inn.
"Hello, welcome to our Ultra-secret Hiding Place, how can I help you?"
Okay, I have to admit that I don't really remember if there was an actual sign on the wall that said "Inn", like most Inns do, but the fact remains that there's a room specifically created for a party of four people to have a rest in.
Granted, you are not charged any money, but THERE'S A GUY BEHIND A COUNTER!
In a Fucking secret Hideout for Rebels in the middle of the mountains!
I mean, does he stay there, while you're asleep!? That's pretty freaky!
Do they often get guests? And do they always travel in groups of exactly four?
I mean, Geez, why is there a COUNTER in the first place!?
"Thank you for joining our organisation, here's your bedroom, don't mind the clerk over there, that's just ole Jimmy, he likes to watch people sleep."
And I swear, his sole job is to tell you where the beds are. You go up to him, he asks if you wanna take a rest, you say "In an Inn? You Think?", and then he doesn't charge you anything, he just says "Okay, the beds are over there. G'night!"
Well, shit, thanks Jimmy! I couldn't have found those big rectangular bits of wood with matrasses and sheets and pillows by myself!
*sigh* I can't wait until I reach the brilliance of Narrative Logic that is Final Fantasy 8.

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