Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Final Fantasy V

Well, now that I've Finally Finished Final Fucking Fantasy Four it's time For Final Fantasy Five. Fabulous! Fantastic!
I expect this to only get better as I progress, since FF4 is pretty much the only FF that sucked as far as I can remember. I think FF5 gets pretty hard at times too, but at least it's more fun.

Ahem, in FF 5 you play the Nameless Hero (at least he was nameless in the game, although searches on the Internet indicate that he's called Butz. Yes, Butz. Nice one, Squaresoft! Fortunately it's his First name, so no Seymour jokes, please), whom I have appropriately dubbed INGEN!, although I was going for 'Azz'.
I'm only very early into the game, so I don't know what the story is about, other than the fact that the Wind seems to have disappeared, which I guess means no more movies with Eddy Murphy. What is causing slightly more trouble are the huge bits of rock falling from the sky and crashing here and there and generally making a mess of things, which you get to see in glorious Mode 7 sequences (God, how I LOVE Mode 7! I swear, I don't care how beautiful 3D has gotten these days, Mode 7 still RULES!).

So it is YOUR job to help set things right, undoubtedly involving Crystals in some way, and defeat the Evil Bastard, whom we will probably not get to meet until the last few minutes of the game, with the help of your buddies Lena the wimpy princess who's doomed from the beginning to become a Magic User, Galuf the Obligatory Old Git, and Faris, the cross-dressing Pirate. I'm sure other people will join up in the course of the game, but I'm having enough trouble handling the whole Sexually Frustrated Pirate thing already.
Speaking of Jobs (desparately grasping for a bridge here), this is the first FF to incorporate an Ability Point system, in the shape of Jobs. Any character can become any Job and learn all kinds of cool stuff. Job systems rule, so I'm liking this much more than FF4's level based ability system.

Magic and Summons, however, have to be bought from stores before you can use them, fortunately you only have to buy them once to be able to use them for everyone for the rest of the game, but it's still weird. Original thought though.
I like this game so far.

Girl:'Okay, don't look right now, but there's this really BIG dragon behind you' Guy:'Yeah, well, you have Pink Hair'

On a side note, I'm probably going to have to skip playing Golden Sun, since I'm not currently in possession of the game anymore. There's a couple of games I've lent to a friend, and I think he ate most of them. So this is Force Majeure and I have to go on to Grandia II, which means I might just as well go on with the FF series without interruption. Let's see what happens shall we?


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