Arc the Lad
Just now I was downloading some Porn, and suddenly a wonderful idea hit me!I'm going to run for Pope! It's completely obvious that none of the contestants are any good, the Unholy Bastards, I think I saw one of them in a Castlevania game once.
And here's me, Young, Vigorous and with a very unhealthy interest in small children, I'd say I'm more than cut out for the job!
Start the White Smoke, we have a winner!
So, as I was saying: Arc the Lad.
I have no idea why I picked up this game when I did, it probably had something to do with the fact that it was ridiculously cheap, and I must've been looking for a new RPG or something.
This is another one of those Tactics RPG's, where you fight turn-based battles in an arena set up of squares. Every turn you get to walk a certain amount of squares and perform an attack if there's something close enough to hit. Very simple and quite entertaining, if you do it right.
But the question is, does Arc the Lad do it right?
Graphic-wise, this game looks awful. Even considering the fact that this must've been a very early title, it looks considerably worse than even very mediocre Super Nintendo games and the sound is barely any better either. There IS some nice orchestral music during the opening and the ending though.
The game is also very VERY short, clocking in at a measly 7 hours or so.
I later found out that this was nothing more than a prelude to Arc the Lad II, which is apparently the REAL game, and this was just a teaser or something.
There is really no reason to play this game, other than if you're planning to play the sequel. It's not bad by any means but it's just thouroughly uninteresting and the presentation will make your eyes water as well. There's even a very feeble attempt at CG movies in here, although it looks like dead monkey remains.
Have you ever seen dead monkey remains? It's not pretty, I can tell you that.
Let's make this a 6.7 for being not bad, but for deserving more work being put into it than the creators obviously did.

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