"What?"That's right, Estpolis.
"What the Hell is an Estpolis?"
That's the Japanese name for the Lufia series.
So, yeah, Estpolis, or Estpolis Denki as is the full title, which has little or nothing to do with electricity. This series was released under the name of Lufia in the west, but since I'm playing my games by the names on their boxes/cartridges/CD's this comes miles before my Western copy of Lufia 2.
I think these games, released by small-hit wonder Taito, were relatively popular in their time, and I think the sequel actually got some very good reviews. Dunno about this one though, but that's what I'm here for, right!?
Nothing else to report, so Ingen go sleep now.

Quote of the day:
"I haven't seen so many drugs in a wang since I ran a Chinese Opium Den."
- Mr. Burns examining Homer's urine sample.
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