Friday, March 25, 2005

Free Porn

On a slightly more positive note, it seems the existence of my BLOG! is slowly starting to be acknowledged by The Big Search Engine Industry, or, well, Google at least, in that occasionally, it actually turns up in the results.

So let me help speeding up the procedure by some choice phrases:

Britney Spears Nude Pictures.
Asian Pron.
Lolita (you people disgust me! Hi! Welcome to my site!)

And...erm...oh yes, football and beer.

Good now that I've got your attention, let's talk point'n'clickers again.
I'm still slowly struggling through Discworld 2 (just reached Act 3), but I have to say it's a HUGE improvement over its prequel. For one thing, most of the puzzles actually make sense this time round, which is nice. You don't have to have a serious brain defunction to be able to solve quests most of the time. Every time you try to combine items or give things to people and you fail, Rincewind will state what the problem is and what the person really needs, or what the purpose of the items actually is.
This helps ALOT without giving everything away or spoiling the fun of finding things out.

Thing is though, I realised this: Point'n'clickers just aren't very interesting. They thrive on their sense of humor, which fortunately has been very good for the PnC's I've played so far, but ultimately you're just wading through line after line of dialogue; there is no action, just talk. The only thing you actually need to do is use your brain. For Thinking. No quick reactions, no hand to eye coordination. Just logical thinking.

Which is all perfectly good in its own right, but it makes you feel so....drained of energy. It never gets intense or exciting. So I'm thinking, I can never possibly give a high score to games like this, cos ultimately I will be bored for a large part of the time. Sure there's some funny conversation here, and humorous quotes there, but outside of that, you're just walking around figuring out what insane object you have to combine with which unlikely item next.

I gave even a really great PnC, like Broken Sword, a mere 8, simply because you're never really feeling good playing the game. It looks great, it sounds great, it has a great story, good voice acting, good sense of humor. But when push comes to shove, it's just moving your character by clicking and talking and talking and talking.
God, I'm sure glad I never played any of those text-based adventures of old.


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