Donkey Kong Country
Fortunately for me, I also have some games that can be finished rather quickly.Most of these are platform games of course, and in this case it's Donkey Kong Country for SNES.
I remember back in the day when Rare first released screen shots of this game everyone went completely APE (Sorry) over the beautiful graphics, and everyone thought that there was no way the ole' SNES could really handle this.
And admittedly, it STILL looks good, and I am still amazed that the SNES can display such graphical prowess. And on top of that the sound quality is really good too.
I also remember that reviewers completely lost themselves in the lucious landscapes and started throwing around 9s and 10s, saying this was one of the best things to happen to video gaming in all time.
I seem to recall that at the time, SuperPlay was one of the few magazines that actually looked beyond the Silicon Graphics and maganed to review the game for what it actually was and they arrived at a considerably lower score.
And I have to say, I agree.
Strip away the beautiful (I hate typing this word) renders and you're left with a fairly standard platformer.
There's lots of bonus rooms, but all they offer is more extra lives, or statues that give you access to even OTHER bonus rooms, giving you the chance to gain....*gasp* even MORE extra lives.
Before long you'll have hit the 99 lives mark and there's really no reason for you to bother finding these rooms anymore. There is absolutely no reward for finding everything, so you're basically doing all for naught.
No extra levels, no mini-games to be unlocked. Nothing. Just one completely linear platform game.
It's basically just Super Mario Brothers with monkeys. Hell, even SMB had warp zones!
Fortunately the game only takes a little under 3 hours, so you won't waste huge amounts of time anyway.
This game gets a 7.5 for being extremely standard but not bad.

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