Dino Crisis
So....Dino Crisis.....Yeah.You know, if there's one thing that playing Japanese games on Japanese systems for the past 6 years has taught me, it's that PAL versions on European consoles are SLOW (notice the captions to increase the feeling of slowness).
It's like they were thinking "Hell, those Japanese on their short little legs are too goddamn fast for us Western folk, we need Dino's that move at 1 mile per year!"
Fortunately, that's still 50 times as fast as good old Regina, who has the unenviable task of dealing with these freaks that Mother nature so kindly disposed of for us a rough 65 million years ago.
Any obvious links to movies that were popular around that time? Mmmmmh. No.
In fact, one of the characters in the game, Rick, put it best when he said, and I quote:
"This is just like that movie..."
Nice one, Capcom.
A lot of people say this game is just Resident Evil with Dinosaurs, but they are wrong.
It's Resident Evil with dinosaurs and no F*CKING AMMO!
Damn, and you thought Jill "Sandwich" Valentine had it bad in her Big old cosy mansion.
At least those scientist left some ammo for her to pick up! I've played this game for roughly 2 hours so far and I only found ONE box of standard gun ammo! ONE (1)! With 17 lousy bullets!
As any paleontologist will tell you, Dinosaurs take a shitload of bullets before they go down, so this is certainly no walk in the (jurassic) park.
Hur Hur.
More on this as I progress.
Oh, and can anyone tell me why Regina wears her underwear on the outside?

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