I just realised something. Meeting your ex-girlfriend is NEVER a good idea.Now this is probably a no-brainer for most people, but I had to go and find out the hard way myself.
You see, there's only two possible ways this can go:
1) You end up having nothing to say to each other, you'll hardly exchange a word, and you'll go home feeling lousy.
Or in my case 2) You'll end up having a very nice talk and having fun together and you'll go home feeling EXTRA lousy because you know it's never going to work anymore anyway.
And what's worse, it's spring, the weather is great, you see lovely couples EVERYWHERE and nature starts rearing its ugly head inside your body again, painfully reminding you of the fact that that IS NOT YOU with that beautiful girl next to you.
Remind me to bring my baseball bat along next time I go outside.
And Rare's Godforsaken 4th installment in the Donkey Kong series isn't helping things either. It's like they were thinking:"You know, the last couple of games were too simple and short, let's make a HUGE friggin' game where you have to find EVERYTHING in EVERY friggin' level for all 5 playable Ape-types. That's 25 gold banana's and 500 (!) normal ones. PER LEVEL.
And to top things off there is a series of deep-rooted evil lurking at the horizon waiting to pounce its harmless pray. I'll refrain from using the name, but let's just say I severely regret the fact that I don't have any games starting with "Finak".
Life Sucks.

"Life Sucks"; these two words summarize the fact of life which only the true visionary can appreciate.
A similar fact of life is something like: "Women are the root of all evil."
Some of us encounter this fact sooner than others, but eventually everybody will at one time or another in their life verbalize one's epiphany in those eternal two words: "Life Sucks"
There is only one justice in this whole universe: Summahhouse Justice!
But all kidding aside, nice blog Ingen, really like the way you're keeping track of your daily gaming.
Take care and I have two words for ya: "Gamendum Est!"
Every day is game day.
You know, although it is an irrefutible fact that women are made from Testicular Cancer, you just can't help enjoying their presence, like, wait, scratch that.
I think it was Al Bundy once, who spoke the wisest of words: "Women, can't live with 'em, can't throw 'em all off a bridge."
Or there is of course the famous Dutch proverb:"Women, it's better to keep Chickens.", which admittedly loses something in the translation.
Still, if there's one out there who can kick my ass in Street Fighter, I'll marry her in an instant.
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