Evergrace!Another one of those obscure games noone ever seems to have heard of.
What is it with the letter E and obscure games? Estpolis? Eldorado Gate? Evergrace? Eh?
And let's just say I'm pretty damn happy that Ephemeral Phantasia has the prefix Reiselied in Japanese, otherwise I would also have had to play that right now, and that officially would have made E the worst gaming letter possible, but we'll get to that later. MUCH later.
So, anyway, Evergrace, yeah. This is a very low-profile Action RPG by the Massive Multi-National Corporation known to noone as From Software. What, never heard of 'em you say? I heard they were responsible for global warming last time I checked. Bastards!
But in any case, in Evergrace you play as either Yuterald (that's a boy's name) or Sharuami (that's a girl's name!) to stop the evil Majin (that's a very original bad guy name right there) from whatever he is trying to do ("I just want to make some tea, what are you people doing in my house!?") and maybe kill some of his henchmen along the way.
And what does this RPG has to offer that hasn't already been done thousands of times before? Well, actually, as the back of the box claims, this is a "Soubi suru RPG" which either means equipment is an integral part of the gameplay, or you can wear the game outside.
Incidentally the box also states in huge Kanji: "Shujinkou ga futari!" which is the stupidity equivalent of saying "This is a Plumber!" on a Mario game.
Nice marketing there From Software! (what the hell kind of name is that anyway?)
Actually, it's pretty cool though. Equipment IS a very important part of the gameplay. Everything you equip is visible in realtime, unlike the majority of RPG's out there where either nothing changes at all, or you only get different looks for weapons. I think only MMORPG's spend this amount of attention to equipment, usually.
And what's more, it's not just eye-candy, it's closely intertwined with puzzle-solving as well! Many a situation in the game depends on the kind of clothing you are wearing, and sometimes even the color. This is a pretty cool idea, and I'm enjoying this game rather well so far. I think I'm almost through Yuterald's side of the story, I'll finish Sharuami's as well and post the review, because, of course, the game is absolutely not without fault.
More on this as it happens. Or probably later.

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