Thursday, April 07, 2005

Screw This Lot!

We had some lovely weather the other day.
So I did what I always do when the weather is nice, I escape from the world of humans and enjoy myself up on the roof of our house.
That's Right.

So there I was, basking in the glorious sun, when all of a sudden, this thing came CRASHING through the roof from somewhere inside the house, rocketed up into the sky, only to disappear in one of the few fluffy clouds hanging in an otherwise spotless blue firmament.

I immediately turned on the news and only a few minutes later NASA had spotted the object flying through the depths of space. Later on they found out what it was, and the report said that this was, in fact, the Encount Rate in Estpolis.

FUCK, this game is annoying. I swear, I'm not exaggerating one bit.
Ofttimes you really seriously can't even walk 4 steps before being sucked into yet another random battle, which is annoying as HELL. Only without the comfortable warmth.
What's more, the attack order seems painfully random. The timing of your attack is based on the weight of your equipment, but it seems terribly inconsistent, occasionally enemies will just attack you two times in a row, before you even have time to do anything.
Secondly, and this is REALLY stupid, when there's more than one of the same enemy on screen, YOU CAN'T CHOOSE WHICH ONE TO ATTACK! Let's say we have this situation:
Enemy A x2, Enemy B x1, Enemy A x1. Now you can choose Enemy B, no problem, you can even choose enemy A on the right, but you can't choose between either of the enemies A on the left! Put the cursor on them, and it will start pointing at both at the same time, and the computer will decide randomly which one you will attack, thus completely destroying the whole goddamn principle of strategic battles.

And what's even WORSE, let's say I let two of my characters attack enemy B, but the first one kills him in one hit. No problem, right? In every single RPG to date that would mean the computer automatically selects one of the other enemies to attack with the second character. WRONG! In this game, the second character will.....
wait for it....


This is so retarded, not even Sony executives can understand it.

Combine that with boring, eventless maze dungeons (did I mention recently how much I adore mazes? No? Well, that's because I COULD EAT THEIR GUTS.

And then there's the fact that Boss battles are too cumbersome; you will die a lot.
And it seems the creators are aware of this, because you can't actually go game over!
When your party expires, they will be sent back to the last town they entered, keeping all the experience they gained, and even remembering all events that have happened in the mean time. I once died on the way back from a dungeon, which actually saved me a lot of time backtracking! So this would be positive, BUT!, only your main character is revived, the others remain dead. Oh, did I already mention you can't buy any reviving items in this game? Well, at least, not in the first bunch of towns anyway, I haven't bothered to go further. The only alternative way to revive a character is to take him to a priest and have him healed, which costs a LOT of money. And not even every town has a priest. So that would mean having to go to another town ON YOUR OWN. Which you won't survive. Great hunh?

So after ploughing through several hours of this nonsense, I suddenly had one of those Satori moments, and I thought, why the Hell am I even bothering? I'm not enjoying this game ONE BIT, I am actually literally playing against my own will, and this is not what gaming should be about is it? Why should I waste my precious time and money on something that is only annoying the crap out of me? Right? Right! I have my study for that, thank you very much!

So, I decided I will BLOW this game off. Yes. I will skip it, like the piece of oozing faeces that it is. I give it a nice round 3, and I will feed it to my mutant warthogs. No more of this! Onto the next! Which is.....another Estpolis....



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