Final Fantasy.......Tactics!
Yes, the Dark Days of the letter F have finally come.However! Since I'm the one running the show here, and I can pretty much do anything I want, I decided to start with Final Fantasy Tactics first, before trying to tackle the main series, which is just too damn scary.
For one thing, I want to play at least FF 4 on an Emulator, since I only have the Japanese PSX version, which is not only ridiculously hard, but also suffers from loading times which is unforgivable. I may have to do the same thing for FF 5 and 6 as well, since I only own the PSX versions of those too.
And because I am already playing Estpolis Gaiden on emulator as well, I decided to skip right to a FF I can play on my normal TV screen. Don't want to hang around in front of the PC all day. TV is better!
So, FFT then.
Not much to say actually, it's one of those Strategy RPG thingies, which are not about dungeon exploration or solving puzzles, but about story and long long long strategic battles. Ever played Stratego? Well, it's a lot like that, only with better special effects. Unless you have one of those Diamond playsets. I mean...
That's just fancy!
So, unlike normal RPG's where a battle takes about 1 minute, tops (excluding boss battles), expect to spend at least 15 minutes per fight in a game like this. Boss battles can even take twice as long. It's good fun though, if you're into that kinda thing. Like Bestiality!
I think I've hit that special unavoidable marker where I have to play nothing but LONG RPG's in a row, so I think I will have to start making some backlogs for the games I haven't told you about yet. So that means anything before Dark Chronicle, which is a hefty 40 games or so. Lucky you, eh!?

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