Or Ontopic, if you consider Final Fantasy 7.You may have read something about this Meteorite that is apparently going to pass earth in roughly a quarter of a century from now. It's called 2004MN4 apparently, which once again goes to show scientists need to get more fresh air.
A friend of my mother's works at the Town Hall and she said scientists regularly come in (or it would be regular if any of them ever got out for long enough to actually meet women, so a more accurate way to say it would be 'irregularly') to register their children with deranged names like "Y2K", "E=MC2" or "Bob".
Anyway, this meteorite, right, it's gonna pass earth in 2029 and some people think it's going to get too close for comfort. George W. has already offered to put a restraining order on it, bless the little man, and otherwise he can just use his Fantastic Rocket Shield Project and maybe blow raspberries at it until it goes away with its tail (ahaha) between its legs.
Thing is, although chances of it hitting earth in 2029 are second to none, British Scientists (is it just me, or does this phrase sound as idiotic as American Modesty, French Altruism or Dutch Intelligence?) fear that the meteorite will like what it's gonna see and come back for a closer inspection in 2035 or 2036.
NASA claims there's a Risk of 1 on the Torino Scale, which sounds like the body parts of a Tropical Fish to me.
Hands up, who's ever heard of the Torino Scale?
You're all liars!
Apparently 1 on the Torino Scale is only marginally worse than 0, in that there is NOT a 0% chance, but it's ridiculously low in any case. It's code Green, and Green is widely acknowledged as the most harmless color in existence, although it also means the Comet doesn't have to stop at a traffic sign I think.
Anyhow, this is just another one of those typical "Let's scare the general public with something incredibly unlikely"-plans, like Boogeymen, Werewolves and Michael Jackson.
Still, I think it would be kinda cool to have a meteorite crash into the planet.
In any case, I think it'll be a considerbaly more effective way of birth control than that stupid one-child rule! Bloody Chinese!
And hey, maybe if you make sure you're close to the impact, you can absorb all of the planet's energy that is released and you can become some kind of God-type thingy.
With only one wing! You'll have to start wearing a hair-net though.
See you at the Gates!

Games? oh, yeah!
I'm very close to the end in Estpolis Gaiden, and about 70% through Final Fantasy Tactics I think. Just downloaded the Rockman Zero 4 ROM (I figured, with the meteorite coming, I'm allowed to do something illegal every now and then), so that'll probably stagnate the normal proceedings a bit, but expect a fresh update soon! Have to finish before 2029!
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