Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Gaming Life

E3 is here! Oh yes.
Although I was told E3 start on May 17th and it's only 5 o'clock in the morning there whilst I write this, lots of mouth-watering stuff has been released on the Internet already, I suggest you get your ass over to www.gametrailers.com IMMEDIATELY to see what the next generation is capable of.
Great site, that, I keep telling people about it, but noone ever thanks me for it.
You get all the video footage of all the new stuff, completely for free, not even logins are required, and you don't have to wade through page after page of the rantings of some asshole who thinks he can write.


Well apart from this one then :S

Anyways, CHECK OUT the realtime PS3 remake of the Opening of Final Fantasy 7. I WANT TO HAVE ITS BABIES. Hell, I'd settle for licking its shoes.
Or perhaps licking its baby's shoes.

The umpteenth trailer for Advent Children also looks VERY impressive, but I think it's just about goddamn time they stop feeding us with trailers and bring out the damn movie already. Wasn't it already shown at a movie conference, like, half a year ago!?

No news on Zelda yet unfortunately, but I'm sure the next couple of days won't go by unnoticed.

On the Personal Gaming Front, I've just finished the Opera House in FF6.
MAN, what a great scene that is, no matter how many times you see it.
The music, to this day, is ever impressive, but maybe that's because I was listening to the Orchestral version inside my head. Some of Uematsu's best work, right there.

So I've also been to Zozo already. That's the name of a Town don't ya know?
Do not confuse it with the character Gogo. Hoho, these Japanese and their silly names.
And I'd like to take a minute and rant a little about this town, cos, obviously, it doesn't make any sense. I mean, it's probably there only for comedy value, but I wouldn't be a complete loser if I didn't take everything I see in a game totally seriously.

Zozo, a town where it seems to rain constantly, is a gathering-place for pathological liars. EVERYONE lies, in EVERYTHING they say. To a completely absurd degree.
You step into a building, soaking wet, and this guy comes up to you and says:"Nice weather we're havin' eh?" Now I can see the comedy value in that, I mean, I know plenty of humorless bastards in real life, who'd say a thing like that, but it takes on preposterous forms.
You go there to find one of your allies who has only recently changed into a pink monster and flown away through the sky, leaving destruction in her wake. I wish I was making this up, but I'm not. But I want you to imagine what goes on inside the heads of the inhabitants of Zozo, during a conversation like this, I mean, being a pathological liar is cool and all, but you have to have some credility right? I mean, you have to know where to draw the line, no? Okay here goes:

Me: "Excuse me, Sir, can I ask you a question?"
Guy: "No?"
Me: "Um, did you see a girl come through here? I think you'd recognize her, cos, you know, she's all pink and furry...?"
Guy: "Girl? Girl? I ain't seen no girl, mister.And she definitely ain't on the top floor of this building."

I mean....

And then there's the puzzle with the clock you have to solve.
You have to find out exactly what time it is, by listening to the people of Zozo's lies. Now you can take as long as you need, which kinda implies Time doesn't move in Zozo, which is bizarre, because you even need to guess the amount of seconds.
But there's this one guy standing in what used to be a shop, and there's a clock on the wall and they guy says "That clock doesn't have a minute hand. And it's not pointing at the right time either"
I mean, I can understand him lying about the second part, but geez, "There's no minute hand"!?
"Then what the Hell is that long black thing, you know, THE ONLY DIAL on the clock there!?" "That's....um....ah....a snail! Yes, that's right."
I'm surprised these guys have been liars for all their lives, when they lie as sucky as that.

Okay, I guess I'm ranting about nothing and it isn't funny, but that sure as hell didn't prevent Seinfeld from becoming popular.

More E3 tomorrow!.....?


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