#10: BioHazard
Wow! I actually bought a Gamecube to be able to play this game, which is kinda like History Repeating itself, cos at the time I bought a PSX to be able to play the original Resident Evil.Ahhh, good ole' Capcom! They don't really like to let go of their franchises do they?
And a good thing that is! The Resident Evil series has been widely criticised for its never-changeing gameplay, which is all part of Capcom's "If it ain't broke don't fix it" Life Policy, and, fuck it, I totally agree!
As long as they keep making games this good, who cares if nothing ever changes?
At least it means you get quality games every time.
Another thing this series is criticised for is that its nowhere NEAR as scary/intelligent as Silent Hill. And it isn't. SO WHAT!?
I mean, don't get me wrong, I worship Silent Hill, like the depraved cult that it is, but in terms of pure Zombie-Blasting fun, it's got NOTHING on the BioHazard series.
Oh and Capcom sure do know how to make their games look pretty. I mean, DAMN, yo.
This game features pre-rendered backgrounds, like the original, only this time they're beautifully animated, and they're quite the sight to behold. This has to be the most beautiful and luscious rendering ever done and it amazes me everytime I see it.
The music has also been redone and fits the mood nicely. Music is really a subject where BioHazard'll never be able to touch Silent Hill though.
Basically, it's ALL good, it's a very faithful rendition of the original, whilst at the same time throwing in lots of cool extra stuff, new environments, new cut-scenes, slightly less toe-curling dialogue, extension of original scenes and puzzles, new object placement, you name it, it's in here.
There's one addition that RUINS the fun though. It's called Crimson Head.
You see, in the old games, when you killed a Zombie, it would be gone when you leave the room and enter again. Not this time. They stay around. And you know what?
After a while, they get back up again And as if that alone wasn't enough, they're 3 times as fast and powerful! YAY!
Also, they are RED! Which is not only bad fashion sense, but also the reason they're called Crimson Heads I guess. Fucking Indians.
The only way to prevent this is to make sure you burn them! BURN THEM! BURN THEM ALL TO HELL! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! Yes, I get that sometimes.
So the easy way out is the American Barbeque style, which is to bring your own Fire Rounds with you for the Bazooka and just burn them to a crisp immediately.
If you don't have any of them around, there's only one other option, which is to burn them using your trusty Gold Zippo.
Chris has a lighter as his standard item, but Jill has to sacrifice an inventory panel for it. What's more, you'll also need a flask of lighter oil with you, which can only contain two units of oil. Oil can be acquired from the big Jerrycans which can be found in most save rooms, and hold some 6 to 8 oil units. This means a LOT of running back and forth to make sure you have enough oil with you, which can be very tiresome.
And really, this takes a large portion of fun out of the game. The game would have been nearly perfect if it hadn't been for this. So as it is, it's only really damn good. Both as a remake, and as a Stand-alone Survival Horror Game.
I recommend this to anyone who's into the genre, cos it won't dissappoint, but it might frustrate a little. Still, it's extremely pretty, so just compare it to women. Pretty women I mean. Who are annoying. Not the ugly ones. Not the nice ones either. Um. Okay, forget the simile, just compare it to a great game that has one really stupid idea. Yeah, that seems about right.
A 9.0! Zombies Rule!

I second that!
Capcom needs to make a game featuring Ninja Zombies! (^0^)
"Return of the Living Undead Ninja Zombies at the Dawn of Evil Betty"
How's that for a cool game title, or movie title for that matter...
I wanna play a zombie in a zombie movie, that gets shot, mauled, torched, and blasted into itty-bitty bits for good measure!
Zombies rule!
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