#11: BioHazard 0
So should this come before the review of BioHazard 1 or after?It was released after, but it takes place before!
You see the kind of dilemma's I'm faced with in this project? Bet you never stopped to think about THAT, hunh? HUNH? DIDYA?
But my computer organized the 'BioH0.jpg' picture after 'BioH.jpg', so there you go.
In this particular installment in the long long LONG running series, you play as Rebecca Chambers AND Billy Whatshisname AT THE SAME TIME! Most BioHazards so far have offered 2 main characters to choose from, but this is the first (and last) one to give you control over both during the same scenario.
This allows for a whole new kind of puzzle-solving, requiring cooperation, and making the best use of each character's strengths and weaknesses.
Rebecca is weak and has low defense, as the sissy girl that she is, but she compensates for this by being extremely whiny and annoying.
Billy is bigger, stronger, but also somewhat slower, and he compensates for this by being an intolerable asshole and making lots of sexual innuendo.
So in most cases, Billy can be used to lift Rebecca up to an unreachable ledge, and Rebecca is small enough to fit through most holes; and amazingly, every hole in the game is exactly big enough for her, but too small for him. It's a Hole Conspiracy!
You can choose to keep them together and shoot stuff (AI is pretty decent in this case, fortunately) or you can send them both separately on a quest. Not one of the good quests involving Grails and Wooden Rabbits though. No, the ones involving lots of small silver keys and colored herbs.
When together, you can freely exchange items between the two, which is cool. Anything you can't carry with you can be put down on the ground at any point you want, which is also cool. There's no magic storage boxes anymore, so as soon as you find something you need, you can clear your inventory immediately, but this also means that if you want your old stuff back, you're going to have to go back and find it again. You do get all the information on your map screen, which is useful.
So is that all there is to it? Yes. Like its Gamecube predecessor, it looks EXTREMELY pretty, and like all its predecessors, it plays exactly the same.
Same old zombie shooting, same old puzzle solving, only with the two character twist this time. It might not be enough to keep everyone's attention though.
Since this game has a solid legacy to build upon, it's still pretty much fun, no matter how old the gameplay is, but you HAVE seen this all before, many many times, and the question is, do you want to do it again. I can see how many people would think they've had enough.
So what we have here is a very enjoyable game in an old mold. Mold! Get it? As in MOLDY!? IT'S A PUN!
Recommendable? Nah. For fans of the genre, or fans of the series only. Nothing special to see here folks, move along!
A 7.7!

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What I hate about the whole change in video games Ingen! is the controllers.
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