#12: BioHazard 2
Being the Sequel to BioHazard 1, the Prequel to BioHazard 3, and more directly to BioHazard Code Veronica and BioHazard 4 and the PreSequel to BioHazard 0.Capcom deserves a Nobel Prize for Literature, that's for sure.
So, chronologically, this was the second BioHazard EVER to be released, and it has exchanged the backdrop of The Old Dusty Mansion for the Modern Derelict City.
The T-Virus that causes people to turn into Zombies, and dogs to turn into...well...bad dogs, with little chunks of flesh hanging at their sides, has spread through the City of Raccoon City. Damn, I need to start thinking ahead when I write these sentences. So basically, everyone's a Zombie, except for Rookie Cop Leon S. Kennedy, who finds his first day on the job a little more than he bargained for (how's that for an initiation prank, huh?), and Claire Redfield, sister of Chris Redfield, who disappeared at the end of the first game.
Well actually, he didn't disappear at all, but she's here anyway.
This is actually pretty cool. The original PSX game comes on two CD-ROMs, one with Leon's side of the adventure, and one with Claire's side. Each side has two scenarios, aptly named A and B (for your Emmy consideration), and each A scenario corresponds with the B scenario of the other character. And Vice Versa
How Cool is THAT? To unlock scenario B for the other character you just need to finish scenario A for the first character and it will all start making sense once you throw your PSX out the window and have some coffee.
The really cool thing is, you can choose to leave stuff behind for the other character or just take everything and have that stupid broad figure everything out for herself, the slut.
But seriously, this game is TOTALLY cool. The scenarios are all varied enough to make you want to play through, there's a ton of cool stuff to unlock, lots of gore thrown in for good measure, pretty good voice acting (for BH standards at least) and actually a decent story as well. This was my favorite BioHazard for a long time, until part 4 showed up, but the 4 scenarios at least mean it has more replay value than its successor. Thing is, BioHazard 4 in itself is probably at least as long as all 4 scenarios of this game put together, but still!
There is no denying that Capcom really went all-out on this one, and they actually really deliver, I LOVE this game, and still hold it in the utmost regard as one of the best Survival Horror games EVER. Unfortunately, it doesn't have that much competition, but even by its own right, this game kicks total ass.
Hey, it beats having your innards eaten out by a Zombie!
Although, on second thought, when I look at one of those women zombies.....
Okay, moving on, the Soundtrack is also my favorite in the series, bar none, and it actually succeeds in creating some melody in the bog-standard creepy suspense drab you get in this kind of game. Pretty good.
Overall, this game scores very high in every category, and you should definitely check this out if you like anything about games. A 9.5!
And here's some samples, in .zip format:
The Front Hall
The Second Misinformation of Government
Escape from Laboratory

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