#13 BioHazard 3: Last Escape
Sigh.Being the sequel to BioHazard 1 and 2, and.....oh forget it!
The STAR (pun very much intended) of this game is, again, Jill Valentine, who, after succeeding in escaping the mansion and its laboratory in part 1, finds herself in Raccoon City (what the Hell kinda name is that anyway?) once again to dispose of all the zombies that are still left crawling around in the city.
The game takes place around the same time Leon and Claire are running around, and shortly after, but even though you go to a lot of the same places, you never actually get to see them. You do get to see someone else though. His name is Nemesis and he likes flower arrangeing and Karaoke and he looks a little something like this:

What you can't see here is that this guy is also very much into Mass Destruction, which is why he carries a Bazooka with him most of the time. What you also can't tell is that this guy is after you FOR ABOUT 90% OF THE GAME. AND HE CAN WALK THROUGH DOORS! HE WILL FOLLOW YOU EVERYWHERE! CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW MUCH FUN THAT IS?
Well, neither can I.
Okay, so it's not exactly 90%, more like 50 or something, but that is still extremely annoying since you can't really kill him. You can put him down for a while though, and of course there's a couple of key moments where you HAVE to fight him, other than that, this guy's here to the end. And obviously he takes a shitload of ammo before he shows even the slightest signs of pain.
Too make a long story short, this is a really really cheap way of putting suspense in a game. YES, you will freak out, but only because you know you'll get your ass kicked if you stand still too long, and you can't really hide anywhere. It's an exceedingly cheesy way of making this game scary, and anyone who's played any Silent Hill game (there's that other series again) knows that scariness can also be something psychological and original.
And this is the very thing that takes most of the fun out of the game. It's a nice game in itself, I mean, as mentioned before, it's still BioHazard, and they're just good, fun games in general. Shooting Zombies is still unparalleled fun, and this time you get oil drums and explosive devices to wreak major havoc on big groups of undead, which is really cool, it's just that you have to deal with that invincible asshole all the time.
The story is pretty much non-existent. The only point seems to be that Raccoon City has to be blown up for story purposes and to get rid of all the mess and that's about it.
What is also disappointing is that the scenario's are not quite as varied as before.
At regular intervals in the game you have to make an important decision; the screen will flash white for a moment, and two options will appear on screen, and you have to choose what you do quickly.
What you choose will affect the ensuing course of the game, and there are some really significant differences, but in the end, you will always end up at the same point, with the same ending, which is kind of a wasted opportunity. No real different scenario's like in BH2, and no varied endings like in BH1.
Still, it may warrant a couple of playthroughs, just to see what happens, and really, sometimes the differences are pretty cool.
It's pretty obvious though, that this is a major step-down from BioHazard 2.
By this time, you can be either one of two people:
- You are fed up with BioHazard already and want nothing to do with it anymore
- You are fed up with BioHazard already but you still think they're good fun because if it ain't broke, yadda yadda.
I fall into the second category, which is why I give this an 8.0.
I still enjoyed it a lot, cos it's just simple fun, but there's no real surprises and not as much variety as the prequel.
Free from Fear
City of Ruin

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