Gremlins 2
D'oh!Here I was, telling you to expect lots of updates on tuesday, and wouldn't you know, NO friggin' update the following day. I knew saying things like that would be tempting fate. Damn Poetic Justice.
Anyway, what I wanted to say, is that I bought yet ANOTHER game recently, being Metroid Prime 2 Echoes for GC, so add another one to that list of 230 or something, I'm becoming increasingly weak at numbers.
But that's not why I'm here for you today, my brethren, NO!
It is yet another game that has been finished, Gremlins 2 on NES.
In this game you play as Gizmo, that cute little furry Mogwai, and you have to dispose of all kinds of baddies, like bats, mice, Gremlins, and of course GIANT TOMATOES. Screw Gremlins, Enormous Vegetables, THAT's what scares me.
Anyway, if you've seen the movie back in the late 80's you'll know the story, cos the game follows it very closely, being the intricate piece of media that it is.
The story is unfolded in cut-scenes that actually, believe it or not, had some very decent animation for that time, and you get to see how Gizmo gives birth to a couple more Mogwai, which will of course in no time become Gremlins by eating something after midnight (one of the cleverest morals in any Hollywood movie to date. Don't try this at home kids!).
So it's up to you to kill everything in your path, like the mass of furry Death that you are, by using a variety of weapons like match-sticks, paperclips, crossbows, and, yes, TOMATO BOMBS. Geez, did the creators have some kind of fetish or something?
"You know what this game needs, Bob?"
"What's that Sir?"
"More Goddamn Tomatoes, now GET TO IT, I'm getting hungry."
The game is an action-platformer with a top-down perspective, in a similar vein to the lovely Pocky and Rocky games of yore, but with a lot more platform hopping, and less frantic action.
The levels are of a decent size, with some side routes for good measure. Also, there's a shop run by that old Asian geezer from the movie, who sells you handy items like extra lives, health restoration power-ups and BALLOONS, which are oddly Tomato-shaped if you ask me.
You can only buy one item at a time though, and then the shop is gone. This happens a lot with businesses run by Chinese people.
In all, I actually rather enjoyed this game. It was definitely pretty good for its time, even has some catchy tunes, and I think it was pretty popular as well, especially considering it's a movie-to-game adaptation which are usually crap.
In fact, this is probably one of the best movie tie-ins in the history of video games, which is kinda sad.
This seems to be one of the easiest to obtain NES games in this day, most stores that still sell old second-handjunk will have this game, I've found, which probably means it sold really well. I give this game an 8.0, because you have to look at everything in its right time-frame, and I really think this was one of the better games around on NES at that point. Nice one.
Um. New update tomorrow?

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