Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
Moving right along, we've hit what may possibly be Number 66 in this long line of insanity, although I lost real count a long time ago. The day after tomorrow I will be having an anniversary post, since it will then be exactly One Whole Year ago that I decided to start this whole deranged quest.Until that time, boys and girls, let me tell you about number 66 in line, Gran Turismo 3, A Spec no less.
Those few of you who know me will probably wonder why on earth I bought this, cos I'm no racing fan by any means, except for surreal and irrealistic games such as Mario Kart and Wipeout. And yet, I bought Gran Turismo, one of the most realistic and high-maintenance Racing Games ever.
Why? Because it looks yummy! Well, that's not the sole reason, I also bought it becaues I firmly believe that this is a good game, no matter how much I suck at it (and that is an indescribable amount), and I owe it to the world of Video Games to become good at this. It is the only game in existence where any of my friends can kick my ass with their hands tied behind their back, looking the other way, in another room.
One might wonder how far I can take this. The principle of this project is to finish every game I've got, and finally give it a rating to place it in the grand scheme of things, but as I understand, this game will not be easy to actually complete.
I'll be damned if I'm going to play this until I've acquired all 250 cars or so, and I DEFINITELY won't be playing for 100%.
The criteria I have set for finishing a game is that I play until I get to the end credits (not the opening credits, which would admittedly have sped things up significantly), and from what good ole' GameFAQs tells me, the ending sequence can be viewed by finishing the Gran Turismo Full Championship on Beginner Mode, which is the easiest mode available, so I really should try to achieve that much, or that little as you would have it.
This will be my goal for this game, one that is ambitious enough from my point of view, but I won't spend all of my time on this, since I can only take so much. I will be continuing the rest of the project on the side.
On a related note, the scart socket on my TV is getting crappier every day, it has come to the point where I simply can't get a decent image with my PS2 Scart Cable anymore. I've been thinking it's about high time I bought a new TV anyway, since I've had this one for, oh, nigh-on 10 years now. I don't have that much money to spend (which is one of the reason I'm playing through all my old games in the first place), but I've already laid my eyes on a very nice Samsung TV (my current TV is Samsung as well, and apart from the Scart socket has never given me any trouble) for around 180 Euro, and it got very good reviews on the Internet, so I'll probably be getting that.
What is it with Scart Sockets and Sucking by the way? My parents have this brand-spanking new expensive Sony TV, and even THAT has an iffy scart socket. Are they so hard to make?
Anyway, I'll probably be making plenty of updates the coming few days, so stay tuned if you want to be bored out of your mind! At no extra costs!
You should all thank me.

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