Final Fantasy X-2
Good, now let this be the last one, you hear?Final Fantasy X-2 (that's pronounced 'ten-two', and don't you forget it!), being the completely unnecessary sequel to Final Fantasy X, which was already complete and didn't really need a sequel to fuck things up retrospectively. Advent Children anyone?
But I'm getting ahead of things, cos this is only just the introduction. Fortunately I'm going into this game completely unbiased, eh? ;)
So, A couple of years or so after Final Fantasy X, Yuna, The Mighty Summoneress decides that a world without Huge Evil Watery Monsters is kinda boring, so she sets out on another Whirlwind adventure. Or a slight breeze at least.
One day, Rikku, her former guard/present cousin finds a Sphere containing images of someone looking suspiciously like Tidus (although he's constantly referred to as 'him') and Yuna goes looking for him, because surely he's still alive, because that would make SO MUCH sense, knowing what we do from FFX. I swear, if they're going to revive Sephiroth or Aeris, I will personally rain Holy Hell on Square-Enix's Headquarters. But I digress yet again.
The characters from the prequel only make cameo's, since we have an all-girl cast now, and since Lulu is pregnant with Wakka's baby (LUCKY BASTARD!) her place in the party is taken by Paine, whose last name HAS to be Indyas, and who basically shares her personality with Lulu, since that's much easier than being original.
Anyhow, this game is not nearly as long as any of its predecessors, so I expect to finish this relatively soon. It's the very first and only real sequel game in the Final Fantasy Universe, and they can stop doing it now as far as I'm concerned.
But I'm again revealing my prejudice, let's just get this over with.

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