Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting
So, guess it's time for another backlog, and, hey what's this!?It seems I skipped from Capcom vs SNK to Castlevania, totally forgetting CvS2!
Bunch of assholes.
Okay, well actually, there's not much to say about this game after the first Capcom vs SNK, except that this time, you get more characters and 3D backgrounds, instead of 2D. That means no spiffy intro sequences, but they look better in any case.
Also, the ratio system has been adjusted so that it is not fixed per character but that you can ascribe ratio points to your favorite characters yourself, meaning you can make any character you want very strong.
Also, there's a normal 1 on 1 mode now, for traditionalists, and there's a lot more grooves to choose from. The first game only had two, this one has three....PER COMPANY, so that makes a total of 6!
The Capcom grooves borrow from Street Fighter Zero 2 and 3, and Street Fighter 3, the SNK grooves from Samurai Shodown, King of Fighters and probably something else that I never bothered to play. Sucky games.
Capcom know how to make pretty graphics, but they also know how to keep reusing old stuff, so you get all those old characters sprites you've been getting for years now (move on already!), but you get nice new renditions of SNK characters, cos we can't have Neo Geo-type graphics in this day and age can we? *cough*Capcom vs. SNK Chaos*hack*. What was that? Did you hear something? I sure didn't!
I can't help but think this is all a bit too much of an old thing, and there's nothing really new or interesting here. Backgrounds may look good, but in this day and age where Sammy have proved with the Guilty Gear series that 2D sprites can look goddamn good in Hi-Res too, it's a shame Capcom keeps using old 16-bit sprites.
Also, some of the grooves are just plain annoying to work with/fight against.
The only value this game has is if you want to pitch Capcom characters vs. SNK characters, which is admittedly fun, but it could have been so much better if they had just UPDATED it a little to fit modern times.
It's a VAST improvement over the first game, in any case, but it's nowhere near as good as some of the old Street Fighters, and I'm sure SNK fans will prefer old KoF's or Samurai Shodowns over this as well.
It's not a bad game by any means, it just lacks appeal because it's too much 'been there, done that', only in a new environment. Once again, character specific endings have been thrown out the window, and you get the same old tired ending for every character you pick. When are they going to bring all those cool endings back again?
Capcom needs to release a Street Fighter (Zero) 4 pronto, or I'm going to platchek plootchek some ass over there. This game deserves an 8, because it's solid and entertaining, but nothing to really write home about.
Now give us something new already, dammit!

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