Despite the considerable albeit temporary increase of my Game Collection at the moment, I still haven't actually started anything outside of my project yet.The game I have currently fired up in my SNES and ready to go is Lufia.
This is the European version, not to be confused with the American Lufia, which is part 1 in the series, or known as Estpolis in Japan. In America this one is known as Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals.
For Europe however, this was the first Lufia game, so they decided to drop the 2 and just call it Lufia, and for the Dutch market even translated it into Dutch! This was (and is) a very rare thing in console games, and it's nice to see people bother with our cute little language, although it definitely doesn't have to become a trend or anything.
It's strange that I still want to play this game after the abysmal Estpolis and Estpolis Gaiden on GBA. But the only reason I bought those two was because I had already played Lufia before and totally LOVED it. It's weird how both the prequel AND the sequel can suck so much, with this game being so great in the middle.
I'll tell you all about what makes this game so good once I finish it and write the full review (only 10 years after it was originally released! What a deal!).
For now, this is only the introduction so you know what I'm doing and are not worried sick or anything. I expect this game to take awhile, but I plan to definitely start playing some Bortlogs along the way. I now possess a wealth of N64 games I haven't played for awhile, or not at all, like Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Tetrisphere, Waverace 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day etc., and I also have a modded PS2 now, meaning I can play some games I haven't been able to before as well, which I may give a rent some time soon, I've been really looking forward to playing God of War for awhile now, and perhaps I'll find some other stuff.
Who knows, I may finally get that DVD-burner and just download a bunch of games, because that is totally legal in Holland, like marihuana, prostitution, threatening people, owning blueprints of important buildings, killing politicians and columnists (not related to the Sega game) and selling violent video games to children.
Don't you ever dare put your feet up on a bench in a subway-train though, cos that'll cost ya.

Ahoy from Japan.
Well anyway, yeah. Go visit a hooker in Amsterdam, smoke some pot with the cops, even eat a kitten, why not, it's all good.
But do NOT put your foot (that's not feet, that's foot) on the IRON part of the bench, because that's not allowed.
Yeah, I think you took the situation rather well, but I for one was SO pissed off when you told me the story, it kept bugging me for days!
I can't believe any policeman would be so sad, but then this country never ceases to amaze me in every possible negative way.
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