Monday, September 19, 2005

Alpha and Omega

I'm kinda starting to loose count here, so let's just say I bought another 2 new games today, or actually one new and one second-hand, and I don't know exactly what the total is now. IGN says 234 but then, IGN says a lot of things and it tends to give numbers that are too bloody high.

In any case, I bought Splinter Cell Chaos Theory new, which was only 30 Euros. Ubisoft's games tend to go cheap pretty fast for some reason, and I greatly enjoyed the first two Splinter Cells, although I have yet to finish them, so I figured I might as well get it now.
Moreover my interest in Stealth games has been rekindled by my current playthrough of the magnificently stupendous Metal Gear Solid 3. GOD what a game that is. Not so shocking gameplaywise perhaps, but the story, graphics, music, cinematics and presentation are absolutely PHENOMENAL. Truely, this is one of the greatest cinematic masterpieces I have witnessed in Video Gaming EVER. I highly suspect Mr. Hideo "Tits and Guns" Kojima had a good long talk with the Silent Hill department of Konami before making this game, cos some of the scenes in here are definitely not for the weak of heart. Expect a full review once I finish it, which is probably not too long now.

The second-hand game I bought is Viewtiful Joe 2, for the ridiculous price of 15 Euros, which was too good to pass up. Looks like Holland is finally developing a decent second-hand market and buying games is becoming almost as affordable as in Japan. Still, there's a lot that needs to happen before the second-hand market can become as big as in Japan though, but at least most shops are doing something about it now, even the bigger and more mainstream ones.

So, with all these new games I'm buying and all the stuff I'm borrowing from friends, my patience with the project is starting to wear thin. Just look at what I bought! An "S" and a "V"! Dammit!
At the moment I'm far more eager to play all the new stuff I got, than replay all the old stuff I already had. One of the main reasons I started this project anyway was because I didn't have the money to get any new games, but that situation has certainly changed and I want to get my hands on some new stuff.
Fret ye not, of course I will continue the project, and I WILL play all my old stuff, but it may have to take the backseat or be put on hold for awhile, or maybe I'll just discard the whole Alphabet idea, and just start drawing lots!
Hey, that sounds kinda fun too, I'm going to consider doing that.

At the moment I'm working on MGS3 as I said, as well as Magical Vacation on GBA, which is also entertaining. I skipped Lunar Silver Star Story because last time I played it, I bloody hated it, and I couldn't bring myself to start it up again.
The way I see it, with over 230 games, I'm entitled to using a Joker, Passcard or Fuck You Card, whatever you want to call it, every once in a while.
I already used one for Estpolis since it was so excruciatingly awful, and I'll use another one for Lunar.
Got any complaints? Haha! I laugh in your general direction!

SO, I don't know what I'll be doing, perhaps some feedback can send me in the right direction, but probably not, since I'm pretty stubborn anyway. I like the idea of drawing lots actually, throw a random element into things, but for the moment I'll go on with the alphabet, especially since there's a whole slew of Mega Man games coming along shortly, don't wanna miss out on that.

And don't worry my little punters, nothing will change for you, other than that I will start making this a paysite with subscriber exclusive content like nude pictures of my cat, interesting lectures on the life of the wombat and extensive discourse on the meaning of Sporks. ARE THEY FOR EATING SOUP OR MEEEAAAAAT!? IT DRIVES ME MAD!

And now, I am done for today. Thank you, and goodnight.


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