Megaman X3
Triple Yay!Sniff....Sniff.....what's that? Do I smell another 9.5? MAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Well, no, actually, but I'll get to that in a moment.
First let me entertain you with the shocking piece of information that this is BOTH the sequel to Megaman X2 AS WELL AS the prequel to Megaman X4. Brilliant! Only Capcom could make stories this deep!
This game was released on Super Nintendo first, but it kinda hit the good old machine in its dying age (if indeed it ever did die. I say it still lives on and controls the new generation consoles from behind the screens. It staged its own death, that's how fucking cool it was), so Megaman X3 was also shortly after released on PSX, with the inclusion of some Anime cutscenes to introduce the bosses, and some minor plot points.
Also, the music was entirely redone, which I always applaud, but unfortunately, it's not very good. Where the SNES version still sported a kick-ass Rocking soundtrack (as far as Capcom was able to squeeze rock out of the SNES sound chip, which really isn't very far at all. Konami did a better job at that), but the PSX replaced it with a generic pop sound. The synth may be better, but if you're going to arrange it into crappy pop melodies than I prefer the lesser SNES Midi, thank you very much.
Besides which, the Anime cutscenes aren't that good either, very short and simple, without any real content, they probably only did it because they could.
Only the opening movie is pretty cool, with some key moments of previous games rendered in full cartoony glory, supported by, again, generic synthy music. Blech.
I did not enjoy this particular X game quite as much as the first two, because the levels and bosses just seem less interesting for some reason. Also, most bosses now have an attack during which they are completely invulnerable, which they'll start using once they're low on health, which kinda takes the speed out of the battles.
Also, this is probably the hardest one in the series, especially the last couple of battles, which might not please everyone, but then, Megaman games are usually only hard in a fair way. If you can't advance somewhere, it's because YOU SUCK.
But what I like again is the attention they spent on creating secrets and alternative pathways. There are again a couple of additional battles in here, and depending on how you become victorious, the course of the latter half of the game is altered, and changed levels with different bosses await you.
Also, this time you finally get to play as Zero, X's Ass-kicking Senpai. The only problem is that it's very restricted. You can't fight any bosses, not even mini-bosses as Zero, so that means that you'll be forced to change back to X whenever you get to a Boss Room, which should not have been necessary.
Play the game right though, and you might learn a very powerful skill of his, as well as earn a Shiny Gold Armor, as long as you don't completely suck, which you probably do. Not me though. I rule. Did I mention I have a huge penis as well?
Well, don't get me started on that.
So that's the secret they put in for this X game, I gladly spoiled it for you, but it's not as cool as the secrets in the previous two games. People were kinda expecting a tatsumaki senpuukyaku (look it up!) this time round, but that would've been silly.
So in all, this game still rules, because it's Megaman X, it's still examplary of how side scrolling shooters SHOULD be, because it has a heart, and it was made with dedication. Just make sure you get the SNES version (which is kinda rare I think) and leave the generic PSX version (loading times!) be, unless you're a fan like me, and you have them both. Because I rule, and the whole penis thing.
A 9.0!

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