Megaman X
Yay! The first SNES Megaman game!I remember that, years after I played any Megaman on the NES, I was bursting with anticipation to play a new game on that lovely new spiffy Super Nintendo Entertainment Thingy, and much to my surprise, Capcom did not just give us Megaman 7, oh no, that one had to wait, they gave us an entirely New Game, in a new (and yet not unrelated) Megaman Universe, called Megaman X. The X referring to, well, the name of this new Megaman Robot (or reploid, as they're called), and has in fact nothing to do with the adult rating of this game.
And boy, what a new game it was! I don't think there's a single voice of disagreement, even amongst die-hard Megaman fans, that the X-series completely overshadows the original series, in terms of graphics, action, depth, and, well, everything basically.
Moreover, I am a HUGELY biased Megaman fan, so expect no objectivity or moderate grade, this game rocks, and so do all of its sequels. Well, that last bit is not actually true at all, but we'll see that once we get to the "R".
The great thing about the Megaman X series, is not just that it offers great action-packed gameplay, but that it also succesfully combines this with exploration and strategy.
I can't really think of a lot of competition in the video game world for 2D platform shooters, simply because there's not a whole lot of that kind of game that actually became popular. I wouldn't put Gradius and R-Type etc. in the same category, and there just haven't been a lot of good games like this, probably because noone wants to compete with Megaman.
The only ones I can think of off the top of my head are the Probotector/Contra games. Fun, but only about shooting, and mostly about trial and error and memorizing patterns.
Secondly there's the Metal Slug series, which are pretty much the same as Contra, only less frustrating and more user-friendly. That doesn't mean EASY, that just means that you can actually see things coming before they hit you.
And thirydly would be Metroid, which is probably the closest thing to Megaman, only still completely different. Metroid sacrifices a lot of action to put a bigger emphasis on exploration, open-endedness and puzzles, which is also great.
None of them however, manage to find the perfect blend of all these elements, quite as much as Megaman X. In truth, X stays in the middle. It's not as action packed as Metal Slug, and it's not as clever as Metroid, but it offers more depth than the former and more action than the latter, offering a brilliant combination with the best of both worlds.
Hidden throughout all the levels are 8 Heart Containers to increase your Energy Bar, 4 Energy Tanks, to recover Health in tight spots, and 4 Power-up Capsules that increase X's capabilities, as well as making him look even cooler. Actually, there's a secretly hidden 5th capsule, containing a very special power-up, which also constitutes one of THE coolest secrets in Video Game History! God bless Capcom and their cross-over horniness.
So, basically, any fans of action games should get this now, only you should know that it requires more strategic thinking and nimbleness than Contra or any other "keep fire button down" brainless muck. Fans of the Metroid series might possibly not like this, since it's not quite as deep as that particular series, but fans of Metroid should just shut up and go into a corner and jerk off to their precious little Samus.
Oh, and she's not really a woman! MUHAHAHAHAHA!
*waves at fans*
So what are you still waiting for? Get your ass onto Ebay and find this game somewhere! Have to pay 100 bucks? DO IT YOU FOOL!
No wait, let's be sensible here.
No wait, the other kind of sensible, wait until the upcoming Megaman X Collection is released. It'll contain all Megaman X games up to X6, and it'll be more worth your money than paying to see monkeys have sex.
Uh. I don't know where that came from.
But don't worry, it's being developed by Capcom themselves this time, and not by Atomic "Bumfluff" Planet. Have you ever noticed how anything that starts with "Atomic" really kind of sucks. A LOT!?
First there was the wonderful movie, known as Atomic Train, which bombed as much as the title implies.

Then there was the horrific britpop "band" Atomic Kitten who suck in more ways than one. Fortunately, I think they all exploded too, so you don't hear a lot from them nowadays.

And THEN there was Atomic "Arsemonkey" Planet who royally fucked up what should have been an Orgasmic Megaman Anniversary Collection. Damn their hides!

Who, by the way, I just found out, are ALSO responsible for Miami Vice, as well as publishing The Guy Game which was a "video game" revolving entirely around the concept of Hot Women showing their Tits. And NO, I'm NOT making this stuff up.
So I gues they're not ALL bad. Oh, and does IGN rate EVERYTHING high these days?
So it's a good thing the next Megaman Collection is going to be handled by people who are not incompetent, but Japanese.
Oh dear.
So, uh, I've lost my train of thought here. Two nice round, I mean, A Nice Round 9.5 for...uh...what was it again? Oh yes, Megaman X! Superb Game!
No breasts though.
Samples! (no not THAT kind!)
Storm Eagle
Sigma Stage 1

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