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Haha, man, my statcounter is going to go CRAZY this week.And yes, this post even has something to do with the above mentioned keywords (well 2 out of 7 ain't bad at least), for I have recently taken some pictures of most of my impressive game collection, to share on a Gaming Forum I frequent.
Hold on to your hats, cos this is a LONG ride. It's not totally complete, but it's about 98% of my games. I have a lot more soundtracks still, but that's not of importance. Sorry for the bad quality of some of the pictures by the way, my Digital Camera sucks hairy balls.
Gamecube European:

Gamecube Japanese:

Baten Kaitos REGULAR Edition (gotta love Japanese Packaging) and Ocarina of Time + Ura Zelda:

Dreamcast, all Japanese:

PS2, All Japanese:

PSX European + USA Xenogears:

PSX Japanese:

SNES European, that's the Dutch version of Lufia with Guide:

SNES USA with Super Street Fighter II and Chrono Trigger Soundtrack:

SNES Japanese, including Romancing Saga 3 OST

SNES Japanese, cartridge only including Super Mario RPG OST:

Shenmue 1, 2 and Sonic Adventure 2 Limited Editions:

Plus 10 Nerd Points if you know what this is:

My ENTIRE collection of European GBA games. YES!

GBA Japanese. No box for Tactics Ogre, damn its infernal hide:

N64 Japanese and USA:

Classic NES games, most of which were bought this year:

Chrono Cross Junk:

FFIX Junk:

Bunch of PSX Final Fantasy's and related Soundtracks:


FFX Junk:

FFX-2 Junk:

Kingdom Hearts Junk, the only game of which I own BOTH the original and the International version (Limited even!):

Seiken Densetsu Junk:

Onimusha series plus making of DVD. Forgot to put the soundtracks in:


Saga Frontier, not Junk, but Crap:

My most Prized Possessions, again without soundtracks:

All my Megadrive/Genesis Games, Japanese:

Nice Bundle, plus EXTREMELY Limited Perfect Works Album. Only 5 trillion ever made:

Valkyrie Profile Junk. Expect a rating approaching full score for this one:

Tales of Whatever Junk. This series just DOESN'T STOP:

And finally, some Suikoden Garbage.

Whew, that's about it, and all of this is stacked in my very small room.
I have more game related materials, but this is the most important stuff.
Oh, and I would also like to point out here that I have an EXTREMELY Large Penis as well.
that's eldorado gate
finaly, nerd points
Hmmm. I wonder.
Did you really know this, or did you read my post at the Digifan Forum first?
Make no mistake, I have full access to all my site's stats, so I know who visits when and where they come from ;)
I think it's a better idea not to threaten people when finally they post something in your comments.
Then again, you probably couldn't care less. The same goes for me actually. So I wonder, how many people do visit this site every day?
well I did get it from the forum
I bet you already cheked ;)
but, do I still get my nerd points?
I can threaten whomever I want, Mr. Bort, and make no mistake, I know where your house lives too!
There's a statcounter at the very bottom of the page that shows the amount of hits, and I get a rough 16 hits each day which is laughable, but still more than I had expected.
A lot of those are from the same people though, so the amount of unique users is even less. My IP address is blocked out of the counter, so at least THAT isn't counted.
@ Anonymous: You have visited this page quite frequently I can see, which earns you all the Nerd Points you could possible ever dream of. If you have enough you can trade them in for a new Toothbrush.
!!! !! !. .. .Valkyrie Profile
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