Megaman 2
Yay! I'm really glad I managed to get a hold of this game for my NES a while back, for only a couple of Euro's. I have almost every regular Megaman game now, in some form or other. I'm still missing the original Megaman on NES, but that one sucks anyway.For this sequel however, they managed to get things right and it instantly became one of the great classics on NES. I think you'll find most people who played NES games will have come into contact with this game at some point or other and most people like it. The smart ones do at least.
And it has a classic soundtrack! Everyone likes Megaman 2 music, I'm sure even the Queen of the Netherlands can hum Airman's theme, I'm sure she could kick my ass at Street Fighter as well.
It's a great fun action platformer, with some cool stages and bosses, but there are some minor flaws.
Difficulty can be VERY unforgiving. The Megaman series have become known for being extremely hard, and this is actually still one of the easier ones. It's also the only one in the regular series to actually offer two modes of difficulty, Normal and Hard. Normal is realy easy, where you do a lot of damage, and Hard is more what the series became later, where you actually have to fight for your life.
The problem here though, as with Megaman 1, is that there are too many sequences you can only get past through trial and error. Some things you simply canNOT see coming, and you have to keep trying again and again until you get it right. Now I've played this game to destruction, so I can do it with my eyes closed, but some sequences I'm sure can be really frustrating for the newcomers.
Quickman's stage immediately comes to mind as being insanely hard, in a way you can't really do anything about, unless you have superhuman reflexes.
And that kinda breaks up the game here and there. In later Megamans, skill is what gets you through the enemy barriers, like it should be, but this game still contains a lot of guesswork and memorizing running patterns.
That said, this IS a real classic, with some great Boss sequences, and anyone with a NES should own this game. The difficulty might not appeal to everyone though, which costs it some points. A nice round 9.0 for this one.
Of course I would not deprive you of some Mp3's, Megaman being my favoritest game music series on earth, so here's a couple of nice ones. Mind you, this is all 8-bit NES synth, so know what you're up against. Also, I'm linking directly to Protoman's Homepage, and they seem to rotate in hosting their soundtracks, so it might not be available on some days....
Airman Stage
Dr. Wily Stage 1, critically acclaimed as one of the best Video Game themes EVER, as well as probably being the number one favorite amongst fans. I'm serious.
Staff Roll, starting with the popular Megaman Main Theme

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