Megaman X2
Double Yay!The good thing with Megaman games is that they are rather short, so I can easily finish several of them in one day, and keep updating this site like crazy. Lucky you, eh?
Still I'm not going to waste a lot of words on this incredibly biased review. You can expect my sanity and objectivity to return after Megaman X4, for now, I'm just going to say GET THIS ONE TOO. You liked the first one? GREAT!
Cos this one's really practically the same, only with different stages, cool new weapons, new great music, some additional battles that VERY SLIGHTLY influence one small sequence toward the end, and again, one of the coolest secrets in Video Game History, which is a lot easier to find this time.
No seriously, there's not much to say here. If you liked MMX1, you'll like this too, cos very little has changed. Still great action, still great exploration, still great game. GET IT NOW!
Haha, I'm giving this another 9.5, just because I can.
Now clear off!

I'm liking this whole new Ingen on steroids kinda writing. Or maybe you're just drunk. Now THAT'S something I'd like to see.
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