Sunday, January 31, 2010

Non-2010: Valkyria Chronicles & Klonoa 2

Dammit, there's so much stuff I WANT to write about, but I just don't have the time at the moment. Stupid University! Stupid Games!

No, wait, it's never the fault of the games. NEVER!

I just finished Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep with 1 of the characters.
There's 2 others, and the game encourages you to play with them too, because they get lots of different items/skills/scenarios etc.
This game is going to stay in my PSP for quite some time I think...

Mass Effect 2 is getting increasingly awesome by the second.
The Universe they created for this series is just so friggin awesome, and they have the writing skills to back it up. If you've ever wanted to play a GOOD Star Wars or Star Trek game, this would be it.
Sans the light sabers and up-beaming.

I'm starting to get worried about the rest of 2010, because it looks like we've already found the best contenders for Game of the Year here (for PSP and 360 at least).

I managed to sit through the entirety of FFXIII and I can confidently say I won't be going back. All I'll say is: FFX-2 was better, and that should probably mean enough to most people.
I continued my RPG adventures on the PS3 with Valkyria Chronicles, which is the kind of game that is quite good, but will instantly turn me off the second it gets too much of a bother.

I also recently picked up Klonoa 2 for the PS2 because everyone keeps whining about how good it is. And so far, it is!
Problem is, I already played the remake of the first game on Wii which is incredibly similar.
Sometimes playing a later game before the previous game will make you judge the previous one by the latter's standards, which is of course unfair, but well, there you go. As such Klonoa 2 is just...well, Klonoa. Level design is slightly more interesting than the Wiimake of the original, but the gameplay is exactly the same.
Still good though.

I also picked up some junk from the Bargain Bin at the local Sofmap today.
These are so-called "naked soft" (it sounds even scarier in English. Wow.), meaning you don't get the full package, but only the disc and sometimes the booklet as well.
Still, as long as they're not scratched (God bless the Japanese for being careful with their games, unlike most Westerners) and buy 'em if they're as cheap as fuck.
To wit:

1. Tales of Rebirth (disc only): 100 yen
2. Mega Man Legends 2 (booklet missing): 240 yen
3. Dragon Quest VIII (case missing): 490 yen
4. Final Fantasy XII International: Zodiac Job System (disc only): 490 yen (that's damn cheap!)

There were more good games for REAL low prices, but most of them were severely scratched, and that's where I draw the line.
1320 Yen for 4 games (GOOD ones at that) is a total steal though.


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