Alright, ALRIGHT!I can take a not-so subtle hint.
Let me assure you that this is only the proverbial calm before the storm, so to speak. That is to say: not really.
What with my departure to Japan drawing ever closer, my daily life is becoming increasingly hectic and busy, so I'm not exactly taking the time to write "extensive" reviews anymore.
I still prefer actually playing games over reviewing them, and if I have to cut time-corners somewhere, this blog is most likely to be the first thing to be compromised. I guess I just don't love you as much as you do me.
But rest assured, plenty of gaming is STILL being done, every day, relentlessly.
It's just that, now that the Project has officially gone to the Gods more or less, there's no real use in writing about it anymore.
In due time, I will leave this Godforsaken country and take up residence in a country that has been forsaken by even more gods, and I cannot tell right now if I will have ready access to a computer. I'm sure they have plenty of computers at University, but I don't know where I will be stationed, so to speak, and when I hear the stories about this University apparently lying in the middle of the mountains

(photo courtesy of www.niallmurtagh.info)
I kinda hope I won't be getting a room on Campus, but that inevitably means I won't have easy access to computers, unless I resort to Internet Cafés, which I usually don't.
I will write the occasional review, but probably only for new/obscure games, so that at least there is SOME journalistic value to this blog (yeah, right).
Like I've stated before, it is extremely likely that this is going to be more of a Diary than anything else. I'm considering getting a decent Digital Camera so I can post pictures of my Misadventures in the Kansai Area, and regail you with my many tales of undoubtedly Chinese nature. Bastards.
I'm also considering starting an entirely New Blog altogether, since it seems like Sacrilege to befoul these Sacred Project Pages with everyday mundane banter, and since my Family will also probably be reading my Daily Blurb (and I say 'daily' only in the purely figurative sense) I might want to keep Game stuff and Boring stuff apart.
Did you know about this?:
Song of the Week
It's a kind of contest for obscure Video Game Music, where VGM enthusiasts nominate music from the more obscure games for an officious reward of sorts, like Eternal Fame or something. It's like elections, only interesting and fun. It's a weekly contest and anyone can join, provided you like Game Music.
Apparently it's been going on for 50 weeks now, but I only learned of it recently, so I started participating from week 48 or something.
I made my first own nomination, Deadbolt from the Johnny Bazookatone Soundtrack, and it's nice to see people affirming that I have good taste.
This is what one of the Moderators at the Gamingfore Forums said about it:
Johnny Bazookatone - Deadbolt - I haven't heard of this game in years. Such an awesome name for a character. The track though, it definitely blew me away with its ambience and cool funk slickness. It's smooth as rich, chocolate mousse and practically flows from the speakers in mellow, syncopated waves of bliss. I LOVE the synthesized trance beat and resonant guitar. The sax wails with grace and charm. I can't get over how eclectic and really, really stylish "Deadbolt" is.
Also, this track was submitted by a newcomer, making it an even more pleasant surprise. Thanks!
So, basically, I rule. Not that I have anything to do with the music itself, but seeing one of your personal favorite songs getting critical acclaim because of your nomination just feels like a nice pat on the back.
Oh, and if there's actually anyone out there who cares, please gimme some feedback on what you want me to do with the site, and if you would be interested in my Japan adventures AT ALL.
- Ingen out -
Saitama Saishuu Heiki....
Sounds like Yuko started her own band....
"Misadventures in the Kansai Area" by INGEN! Sounds interesting enough... Count me in!
1. Keep this site, and only update when necessary. Which is often.
2. Make new site for Japan adventures.
3. Buy notebook for internet access from your eventual room.
Perform step 2 in Holland, for a good introduction, and perform step 3 in Japan, for cheap auctions.
Thanks for the feedback!
1. Will do.
2. Yeah, I think I'll definitely do this, I'm just not sure where yet. Should I just make another blogspot account, or take some other blog address, or perhaps try and get a private domain or something?
3. I'll consider this, but owning my own PC is not a priority for me.
I've been studying at gaidai since october, on campus there are 2 computer rooms: a big one with about 100 pcs and a smaller one just for foreign students in the building for foreign students with about 20, so I think it won't be very difficult to find access to the internet (unless you need it after 20.00h or so, not exactly sure when they close). I dont live on campus but in the international dorm about 1 hour away (quite the shithole) and I brought my laptop so I don't really use the internet there often, but the judging from the times I did i must say it's not that bad!
Ja, Summerhouse zei ook al dat die International Dorms nogal aan de crappy kant zijn.
Zit jij dan in dorm 1 of dorm 2?
Dat schijnt ook nog uit te maken.
gewoon games blijven reviewen die minder bekend zijn ;D
Ja, ik moet zeggen dat ik dat zelf ook eigenlijk wel leuker vind om te doen, ipv reviews van spellen die iedereen toch al zelf heeft gespeeld.
Wat dat betreft zit ik in Japan wel goed, want daar STIKT het van de obscure shit :)
gelukkig :P
ik zit in dorm 1, als je in een off campus dorm terecht komt is dat waarschijnlijk ook dorm 1, want ze zijn dorm 2 nu aan het verbouwen omdat die niet meer voldeed aan de aardbevingveiligheidsvoorschriften (lang woord)
Van mij hadden ze Dorm 2 mogen bombarderen, want dat is echt een krot!
Ik bedoel, kom op zeg! Wonen op de vijfde, met de enige douche in de kelder? Zonder lift?
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