Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon
God-Fucking-Damn, is there NO END to Metroid Prime 2!?The game just goes on and on and on, and ON. 22 hours, and still not done.
I just got the Screw Attack, and it's just as nasty as it sounds. I've lovingly started calling it the Screw You Attack, because I'm very funny, and because the controls are.....less than satisfactory. The Screw Attack is also used for the infamous Wall Jump, and the Metroid series has etched itself into my consciousness as being completely incapable of getting a Wall Jump to work properly.
GOD how frustrating those controls are. And IMPOSSIBLE timing is required.
Take a good look at Capcom's Megaman X series to see how wall jumping SHOULD be done.
But I digress, it's not Metroid Prime Review Time yet.
So to while away the time, here's another Backlog!
Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon, or in English, Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon.
A small Dungeon-crawling RPG released on PSX, where you take control over a Chocobo, one of the most persistent mascottes of the Final Fantasy series.
Honestly, I have no idea if there was a story behind this game, nor does it matter. I think there was something with Mogs disappearing into the dungeon and you have to get them out or whatever, I don't really care.
You start out with access to only one 30-floor dungeon, and you have to get to the very bottom of it to fight a boss, and then basically the game is over. You get an ending sequence and some credits, but then the game actually continues, with a second, much deeper 60-floor dungeon, with another boss at the end, and yet another movie and more credits. THEN there's the third and final dungeon, but I think there's no actual real end to that, from what I've read on gamefaqs anwyay, so I can safely say I've finished the game, since I saw the credits.
The point of the dungeons is that they're all randomly generated. This means that no matter how many times you go inside, every floor will always look different.
This ALSO means, which is inherent to this kind of system, that dungeons are completely boring and eventless. That is, you get some scripted events at certain levels, where you learn about a new game system, but there are no puzzles or anything, just floor after floor of gathering items and killing enemies.
You get to save your game every time you go to the next floor, which is very nice, but if you die, you lose ALL your items, 5 points get taken off your Max HP, and you have to restart at the beginning of the dungeon again. THAT IS NOT NICE.
If dungeon crawling is your thing, then this can be amusing. In fact, even though a large amount of Brain Cells was telling me this game sucked and was a waste of my time, there was another group of more impressionable cells telling me to just have another go because it is kinda fun somewhere.
It can be addictive, since you there's always lots of stuff to find on every floor. New equipment, Spell Books, Summon Stones, Potions etc. It's just that for every cool element, there's something to annoy you.
For instance, you don't know the effect of a potion until you drink it, at which point it will be too late. Once you drink a certain potion though, you will learn what that kind of potion looks like for future reference.
Equipment is also unclear until you put it on, and more often than not, it will be CURSED, meaning you can't take it off anymore, until you leave the dungeon and get yourself healed.
Another point of interest is that the boss fights at the end of each dungeon take INSANELY long. These guys have more HP than a certain computer accessory company and they take a long long time to go down. It is imperative that you keep a hold of Summon Stones, since those will do most damage, which offers another problem: Limited Inventory. You can only carry a rather small amount of items at one time, meaning you have to throw things away regularly, or you have to leave the dungeon (again) to store them somewhere.
So let's get straight to the point here. This game is a lot of hassle for something that doesn't have that much to do. There's more annoying things in here than I care for, and yet, and YET, I found myself strangely addicted, wanting to go further and further, find new items, beat new enemies etc.
I guess it all depends on your patience. This game is certainly not for everyone, I'd even say it's only enjoyable for a select group of people.
I shall give it a 7, because it CAN be fun, but I wouldn't easily recommend this to anyone.
By the way, I'm also happy to tell you that my free-pics-nude-celeb-asian-ass-cum post of a while back is STILL getting me several new hits per day. Ahahaha! Bitches!

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