Rockman 4
Super Ultra Mini Review!The great thing about Megaman games is that they NEVER change, so if you've reviewed one, you've reviewed them all! Very little words are necessary here, you just need to EXPERIENCE this truely MAJESTIC piece of Video Gaming because IT RULES, almost as much as I do.
This time, not Dr. Wily but the Evil Russian Dr. Cossack is threatening World Piece, and it is up to Megaman to save everything and everyone. Why Megaman and not someone else? BECAUSE THIS IS MEGAMAN 4!
Otherwise, they would've called it Someone Else 4, or Tanin 4 in Japan, but fortunately the majority of the threatened world is a little bit less dense than good old Rock, so anyone with even half a brain already knows that Wily is actually behind it AGAIN.
To flog a dead horse, there are 9 games in the regular Megaman series, and they ALL have Wily as the final boss, so don't get fooled by any other kind of story. The same goes for the X series and Sigma by the way. Only the Battle Network series has different Badguys occasionally.
The only new thing this time is the fact that there are two Castles at the end (Dr. Cossack's and Dr. Wily's), which would prove to be a short-lived fad, but most importantly the addition of a chargeable Rockbuster. It would change shape in later installments, but Megaman finally takes his complete form in this game. Later games add very little new, and this is by all means the game that set the mood for the rest of the series.
Rush is back too, and there are even an additional 2 secret Power Adaptors, and that's about all. This game is one of the absolute highlights of the series when it comes to the music though. It represented some of the finest audio the NES was ever able to pull off.
I'm playing the PSX rereleases for these games, which were only released in Japan if I'm not mistaken. These versions were used for the abysmal Megaman Anniversary Collection, in a HEAVILY compressed, compromised and downsized form, even on PS2.
These PSX "originals" have clearer picture, STEREO sound (for the arranged music, which is great), unlockable artwork, time attacks, sound tests and some more cool stuff.
Owning these games may cost you more money than buying the Collection, but you do get INFINITELY better quality, so true Megaman fans will vastly prefer this over Atomic Planet's disgraceful attempt at making money out of this famous franchise.
I just hope Capcom is going to do a better job at that Megaman X collection.
I'm going to give this a 9.5 as well, since this is one of my absolute favorites, but I promise this is the last one ;)

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